I've changed the design of my site and made it cleaner and easier to maintain. I might actually blog more now that I have simplified it!
Portfolio created...
I've created a first cut at a portfolio tonight, just click on the portfolio link above and check it out!
Peter Read Miller Photography Class - Day 6
Original post from November 2013
Day 6 - Final day of shooting! Today's assignment was our biggest one, we went to shoot the Georgia State football game. It was taking place in the Georgia Dome and was a great experience. Definitely the highlight for the week, I shot about 1000 frames during the game, it was a lot of work to get my photos for our final critique ready for the next day.
Gear used:
* Canon 5D Mk II
* Canon 1DX
* Canon EF 2.8 24-70
* Canon EF 2.8 70-200 IS
* Canon EF 2.8 400 IS
Peter Read Miller Photography Class - Day 5
Original post from November 2013
Day 5 - This morning's critiques were not very long, before I knew it we were checking equipment out and heading north to Alpharetta to shoot some mountain biking. It was very random and last minute so no locations were really scouted out so we had to wing it. We used some flash equipment since it was a heavily wooded area. After that we raced back downtown to shoot a high school football game (Westminster vs. Lovett).
Gear used:
* Canon 5D Mk II
* Canon 1DX
* Canon EF 2.8 24-70
* Canon EF 2.8 70-200 IS
* Canon EF 2.8 400 IS
* Canon 600 EX-RT Flash
Peter Read Miller Photography Class - Day 4
Original post from November 2013
Day 4 - After the morning critiques we were given a small presentation on setting up of arena strobes. The whole setup was very cool and not as difficult to set up as I thought. That afternoon we headed over to Pace Academy in Buckhead to photograph basketball practice after setting up some strobes in the gym. Since we only had one remote setup I only got to shoot a couple of shots using the strobes. A lot of fun none the less.....
Gear used:
* Canon 5D Mk II
* Canon 1DX
* Canon EF 2.8 24-70
* Canon EF 2.8 70-200 IS
* Canon EF 2.8 400 IS
* Dynalite Powerpack AP-1600 w/ AR-0045 Heads
Peter Read Miller Photography Class - Day 3
Original post from November 2013
Day 3 - we started off the day with critiques on our photos from day 2. We then saw a presentation on lighting big venues. It's unbelievable how much work goes into setting up strobes in an arena just to have additional lighting for taking the shots we see in magazines. I now can watch an NBA game and when the strobes fire, I actually notice them. Once the lighting presentation was over we gathered up our gear and headed to Chastain Park to shoot NYO Baseball and Football.
Gear used:
* Canon 5D Mk II
* Canon 1DX
* Canon EF 2.8 400 IS
* Canon EF 2.8 70-200 IS
Peter Read Miller Photography Class - Day 2
Original post from November 2013
On day 2, we turned in some of our best basketball photos from the night before. Peter spent the entire morning hammering home the point to crop, crop and crop again. All the photos submitted were very good, it was fun to see some of the same plays shot from so many different perspectives. That afternoon, we took off to Vinings to shoot a Polo match put on by the Atlanta Polo Club. Once that match was over some of us went to shoot Georgia State Soccer while the other half went downtown to shoot sand volleyball.
Gear used:
* Canon 5D Mk II
* Canon 1DX
* Canon EF 2.8 400 IS
* Canon EF 2.8 70-200 IS
Peter Read Miller Photography Class - Day 1
Original post in November 2013 -
I attended the Peter Read Miller Sports Photography Workshop last week. The class was 6 days and consisted of shooting sporting events every day then each morning we presented our best photos for Peter to critique. Day 1 was for introductions then off we went to shoot the Georgia State Basketball game against Shorter College.
Gear used:
* Canon 5D Mk II
* Canon 1DX
* Canon EF 2.8 24-70
* Canon EF 2.8 70-200 IS
Atlanta Steeplechase 2013
Original post 4/15/2013
I went to the Atlanta Steeplechase on Saturday. Beautiful day finally, we've had a very wet and cold Spring. I was able to snap some nice shots during the day:
The mirrorless camera continues to impress.......
I went to see Pink in concert recently here in Atanta. I thought I would take along the mirrorless Nikon 1 V1 to see how it would fare in crazy low light situations. The camera did extremely well, much better than I imagined. The hybrid autofocus system in this camera is very impressive, it can focus amazingly fast. I shot most all the pictures at ISO 3200 so there was some noise in the shots but I was able to easily take care of that issue in Lightroom. So far, very pleased with the results of this camera, Iām getting some very high quality photos with just about everything I shoot with it. Here is a link to the shots from the concert: